The Leading Lab For

Male Infertility


IMSI is a method that performs a morphological selection of sperm cells before injecting them into an egg using an IVF procedure.

 The IMSI is performed under a digital magnification of 6300 that enables a careful look at the sperm structure. In this magnification, defects that are not observed with standard microscopic magnification of 200 to 400 times, can be diagnosed.

In ICSI, the sperm is selected by the IVF laboratory staff and injected into the egg at a 200 magnification.

IMSI is designed to significantly increase the chance of pregnancy by selecting optimal sperm cells that will be carefully and systematically selected and injected into the eggs in the ICSI procedure.

The MFC staff performing the IMSI procedure, have undergone lengthy training that has brought them with high technical skills in locating sperm cells with a proper structure.

Over the years, the professional team at MFC has been conducting research to examine the criteria for defining an optimal sperm cell for fertilization. The criteria for selecting the optimal sperm are dynamic and vary over the years. All this is done in accordance with a unique database that exists in the MFC that feeds the fertilization results with a correlation to the sperm cells selected for the fertilization.

All studies are led and directed by Dr. Berkovitz, who is the inventor of the IMSI method.

We recommend that couples who have failed to conceive after performing ICSI, to use IMSI method with careful sperm selection at a magnification of 6300. Our recommendation is backed by the professional scientific literature. (Bartoov, B., Berkovitz, A., Eltes, F., Kogosovsky, A., Menezo, Y .)

The professional and skilled staff at MFC makes the maximum effort to find the best spermatozoa for fertilization and achieving the desired pregnancy.

To learn more about IMSI services at MFC lab, please

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